Viewing entries in
Bridge Engineering

Reading Station

Reading Station

General Notes.png

Kedmor recently submitted tender documentation for Reading Station, in North Tel-Aviv, on behalf of NTA and in conjunction with Kaan Architects.

Click here to view our project page.

Cable Grouting CPD

Cable Grouting CPD

We recently held an interesting CPD seminar at our offices, on bridge tension-cable grouting, from industry expert Alex Poliakov.

He presented examples of grouting and tension-cable failure from around the world and advised on best-practice methods, to mitigate these issues.

Thank you, Alex!

American Road Bridges

American Road Bridges

Kedmor recently submitted tender documentation for this pair of curved, post-tensioned bridges at Zeitim Interchange, Jerusalem.

This was our first project, where we implemented the new Sofistik parametric bridge modelling software in our BIM model.

Click here to find out more about this project.

Loko-Oweto Bridges, Nigeria

Loko-Oweto Bridges, Nigeria

We recently visited our Loko-Oweto Bridge project construction site in Nigeria.

The eastern bridge is now complete. This was a huge relief for the site logistics team, as the construction of the western bridge can now be carried out from the eastern one, rather than having to continue working from barges on the river!

Kedmor were commissioned to provide structural engineering design and continuous site supervision services for this pair of bridges.