Location: Yehud-Monosson
Client: Ashdar Building Company
Architect: Tishbi Rozio Architects
Sector: High-Rise, Residential
Structural design of 5 residential, 17 storey towers, with a two-storey deep basement car park. This was undertaken as part of a larger scheme, involving 5 additional towers.
The structure was formed in reinforced concrete, implementing flat-slab construction in the residential areas to achieve a flat soffit. This mitigated the need for downstand beams and reduced the construction period. A transfer deck was required between the residential and car park areas to maximise the number of parking spaces.
The slab was optimised to an incredibly thin depth, to allow additional stories to be built within the approved height of the building. Careful detailing of the reinforcement was required to mitigate long term deflections to the cantilever balconies.